Chronic Disease Management
Chronic diseases are conditions which are long term (more than 6 months) and they generally have a significant impact on a person’s life.
If managed well however, chronic conditions can often be controlled, reducing the severity of complications and improving quality of life.
Here at RTMC we manage chronic conditions with what is known as a team-based approach.
Lifestyle changes such as diet and exercise can help significantly, in addition to pain management programs, stress/psychological assistance and medication.
This is where GP Management Plans and Team Care Arrangements come into play for eligible patients.
Some of the more common chronic conditions are listed below:
- Allergies / Hypersensitivity
- Arthritis / Osteoarthritis / Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Asthma
- Cancer
- Lung Cancer
- Chronic Pain
- Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
- Cardiovascular Disease
- Diabetes
- High Blood Pressure / Hypertension
- Kidney Disease
- Obesity
GP’s also play a role in identifying patients who may benefit from a palliative care approach, to provide relief from pain and improve quality of life as patients are closer to the end of life.

A chronic disease management plan encourages a proactive approach to patient care. This may include access to subsidised allied health visits. Ask your GP for advice and guidance to better manage your chronic condition.
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Caring, friendly doctors
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Easy parking
Quality accreditation
Unique expertise
Patient-centered care
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