Men's Health Clinic
A comfortable and relaxed place for men to discuss their health concerns.
The GP's in our rooms provide a comprehensive range of check-ups for men of all ages. We suggest health checks are performed more frequently and more thoroughly with age.
Men typically visit the doctor less frequently, have shorter visits and attend in the later stages of illness, resulting in disease being detected at more advanced stages.
However, early screening and diagnosis is the key to preventing diseases such as cardiovascular disease and cancers.
Maintaining good physical and mental health is very important. Not just for the prevention of disease but also for your enjoyment of life.
The GP's in our rooms have significant experience treating men's health issues.
For further resources on Men’s Health, visit:
Common Health Issues
Common men's health concerns:
- Cancers – lung, prostate, blood & lymph, bowel and skin cancer
- Cardiovascular disease
- Dementia and Alzheimers
- Diabetes
- Drug and alcohol issues
- Erectile difficulties
- Lack of fitness and weight issues
- Mental Health issues
- Stroke
Many of these are preventable. Living a healthier lifestyle and getting regular health checks can help to prevent future health issues.
Gold Coast Vasectomy provides information about the vasectomy service provided by Dr Greg Anderson at Mudgeeraba.

We encourage men of all ages from teens to seniors to come in for a health check and receive appropriate health screening for age and risk factors. The GP's in our rooms provide a relaxed and non-judgemental environment.
Why Choose RTMC
Caring, friendly doctors
New patients welcome
Easy parking
Quality accreditation
Unique expertise
Patient-centered care
Your Appointment
Use online bookings to make your next appointment quickly and conveniently, any time of day. If your appointment type is not available online, please phone the practice to book.
Robina Town Centre
Easy T Centre