Procedures for Women
Procedures carried out by our Women’s Health Team
Some of our GP’s carry out minor procedures in our practice theatre. This may save you time if your alternative is a longer wait to be treated at hospital.
Here are the procedures available:
Cervical Polyp Removal
Cervical polyps are extremely common, benign tumours that are present on the cervix. They may cause periods to become irregular but they’re commonly harmless and don’t display any symptoms.
In many cases, cervical polyps remove themselves, but if your doctor prefers to remove them they can do so in their office by using polyp forceps. The procedure can cause some discomfort as the forceps are used to twist the polyp away from the cervix but it’s relatively straightforward with minimal risk.
Vulval Biopsies
A vulval biopsy will be performed by your GP when lesions on the vulvar have been identified. Either treatment or removal will take place depending on the doctor’s diagnosis.
Endometrial Biopsy
The endometrium is the lining outside of the uterus and if your doctor suspects a cell abnormality, he or she can take a biopsy in their office and either review your specimen under a microscope, or send it onto a specialist for further analysis.
Contraceptive IUD removal when no threads present
If the thread of your IUD is no longer present, your GP can usually remove it for you with a simple procedure. They can normally pull it out quite painlessly but if it has become attached, they can enlarge the cervix and use an instrument called a hysteroscope to remove the device.
Removal of skin tags
Skin tags are very common and often harmless. Your doctor can remove your skin tag either with specialised medical scissors, by using a special solution to freeze it off; or using heat to burn it.
A number of our GP’s have substantial experience in women’s health and may be able to carry out a procedure for you in our Robina practice theatre. Contact us today to book an appointment.
Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.

Appointments for minor surgical procedures cannot be made online. Please contact Reception in the first instance. Most procedures may require an initial appointment with a GP before the procedure can be booked.
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