Vaccinations for Women
Vaccinations are the only way to fully prevent what are often life threatening illness. If you’re not sure if you’re up to date with your vaccinations, you can make an appointment with your GP for a blood test to determine the illnesses you are protected against.
Teenage Girls
The following vaccinations are recommended for teenage girls and form part of the school immunisation program:
- Varicella
- Human Papillomavirus (HPV)
- Diptheria, Tetanus and Acellular Pertussis (Whooping Cough)
As part of the school program, Medicare incurs the charges for these vaccinations which will protect teenage girls and their unborn babies if they’re to fall pregnant in the future.
Adult Women
The following vaccinations are available for women to protect themselves against illness now, and to help protect their unborn babies if they have a pregnancy in the future. It’s essential that childcare workers and anyone who has contact with babies are vaccinated for the following to avoid putting themselves and babies around them at risk of contracting serious illness.
- Diphtheria
- Tetanus
- Whooping Cough
- Human Papillomavirus (HPV)
- Influenza
- Measles
- Mumps
- Rubella
- Pneumococcal disease
- Chickenpox (Varicella)
Vaccinations During Pregnancy
When you fall pregnant, it’s recommended that you have an Influenza and Diphtheria, Tetanus, Whooping Cough (pertussis) vaccination. This will protect you and provides some protection for your unborn child against contracting these diseases. Your baby will receive the immunisation through you so they have some level of protection before they have their vaccinations at six-weeks old.
Both injections are covered under the National Immunisation Program.
Partners and household members of pregnant women should be vaccinated against influenza and whooping cough at least two weeks before coming into close contact with a baby.
It’s recommended that expectant mothers have the vaccinations while pregnant, but if it’s missed during this time period, it’s still safe to be vaccinated while you’re breastfeeding.
Vaccinations for Senior Women
Seniors aged 65 years and older are eligible for the following free immunisations under the National Immunisation Program due to the increased risks associated with them contracting a serious illness.
- Influenza
- Pneumococcal disease
If it’s time for your regular vaccinations, or if you’re not sure if you require immunisation, please make an appointment with your GP. They can review your history or if your history isn’t available, refer you for a blood test which will identify your level of protection and inform you of which vaccinations you need to be protected against serious illnesses.

If you'd like to discuss vaccinations, you can book online. To book in for a specific vaccination please contact Reception on 07 5578 9000.
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